Psychological Aspects


Plastic Surgery Recovery, Cosmetic Surgery

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Cosmetic Surgery

This is an
excerpt taken
from a
provided by
Society of
Please take
the time to
read through
this brochure
in its entirety.

Deborah A. Tavis




Psychological Aspects

Improving your self-image with plastic surgery
(click here to read brochure)

"If you are considering plastic surgery, you must be honest with yourself. Exactly why do you want surgery? And, what are your goals for surgery - what do you expect plastic surgery to do for you?

This brochure will provide you with a basic understanding of the psychological issues involved with plastic surgery. Because the changes resulting from plastic surgery are often dramatic and permanent, it's important that you have a clear understanding of how surgery might make you feel - long before a procedure is scheduled. It can't answer all your questions, since your individual circumstances and your self-image must be considered. Ask your surgeon if there is anything you don't understand about the possible psychological aspects and effects of your planned procedure."

This symbol designates surgeons who are active members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. They are certified in the specialty of plastic surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and are dedicated to the highest standards of patient welfare and surgical excellence.

© Copyright American Society of Plastic Surgeons

  "Beyond the physical side of the artistry of plastic surgery lies the frequently even more important handling of the patient's mental attitude.   This must be taken into consideration and the individual patient must be treated by the surgeon in such a way that he is willing to go through the various anxieties and long periods of waiting, as well as the actual discomforts attendant upon operations. His morale must be upheld and he must be given confidence and hope. The patient must share with the plastic surgeon the desire to obtain the best possible result and must be willing to co-operate and to make various sacrifices in order to achieve that end." (Jerome Pierce Webster, M.D.)